Class has been interesting this past month. I've enjoyed our discussions on the nature of science and respect how this concept was introduced to our class. In my math methods course we have also spent the last month discussing how to teach math and our discussions have paralleled our discussions in science. In a nutshell, the main idea that has settled with me is to teach through problem solving instead of teaching for problem solving. This is not a new concept to me because it is one of the main reasons I decided to become a teacher. My youth education was a mundane process consisting of teachers giving me the steps to follow in order to solve the problem instead of giving me the problem and allowing me to use strategies and my own thoughts to find a solution. I always yearned for something more interesting and as I got older and experienced more effective teaching learning became fun! Our conversations have solidified for me that science needs to be an active process not passive.
My frustrations may be premature because it is still early in the semester but regardless I will reflect on those thoughts. I understand that every school district may require us to teach different content but I don't think that justifies not including activities in class that revolve around content. Iowa does have a core curriculum, which I think would beneficial to use and incorporate into class. Most if not all of us are elementary teachers, so spending class time addressing science in grades K-5 would be very helpful.
couple of comments: 1) Your idea to teach THROUGH problem solving rather than FOR problem solving is an important insight. 2) we will be using many examples of elementary science content throughout the semester. I only say this course is not designed to teach you the science content or all activities because while there is an Iowa Core curriculum, you do not know what grade level you will teach or what curriculum you will be expected to use.